Vortex Generators by Joe Spencer
Editors Note: Our home built airplanes come out differently!... LEU #33 has aft CG in the 17" range and stalls in the low 20's indicated with no falloff to one wing or the other... Joe's cut case 1/2 VW with motor mount brought in the CG near the 11" mark suggested in the Milholland plans... The plane does not have the plans wing tip end plates as ours does... Joe's plane has always stalled around 32 mph indicated and the wing has been inclined to drop one way or the other if not picked up by the rudder at stall... Joe built an AOA indicator to study the stall characteristics... He used Vortex Generator construction data from a Kolb Firefly website found elsewhere on the Internet to build a set for LEU 143... His building plan and flying report follows:
AOA Indicator
Video Mount